US Business Finance Corp.

Finance Resources

Helping New Businesses

US Business Finance helps traditionally high risk accounts, such as merchants just starting in business, get merchant credit card account approval. Our team specializes in helping high risk accounts get accepted and begin taking credit cards.

Apply For High Risk Account

In applying for a high risk merchant credit card processing service account, it is important to meet underwriters' specifications. US Business Finance assists business owners apply for medium risk to high risk accounts.

Accepting Credit Cards Even If High Risk

High risk credit card purchases account for some of the most profitable sales. Even if a high risk account, accepting credit cards is a business opportunity. US Business Finance Corp helps place high risk merchant accounts.

How to Determine if You Need a High Risk Merchant Account

Many retail merchants, restaurateurs and new business owners pursuing their company's Merchant Credit Card Account were often declined because of their "Merchant Type" category. The regular banks declined merchant who did not fit the strict low risk criteria of:

  1. 2 years in business
  2. 100% credit card swipe
  3. Store Front - own or lease a physical building, and
  4. Good credit

Fortunately, US Business Finance Corp has years of experience helping businesses that are in the medium to high risk category obtain merchant accounts. Let us help you expand your business!

US Business Finance Corp helps businesses secure high risk merchant credit card accounts

Many banks treat any account that is not low risk as a high risk merchant account. This created the situation where many of the "middle risk" merchants found themselves lumped into the higher risk and sometimes "extreme risk" merchant category and bearing an unnecessary burden in order to maintain their merchant account.

US Business Finance Corporation understands this situation and works to help middle risk merchants to secure accounts better suited to their risk level. We also work to help high risk merchants secure an account that matches their level of risk and work to minimize their risk and improve their record..

Middle risk merchants might be included in the following list:

  1. Internet sales where most products are drop shipped
  2. Products sold and delivered within 90 days
  3. Bail Bonds
  4. Telecommunications
  5. Software sold on a CD
  6. Internet Electronics such as Ipods
  7. Internet sale of diamonds and jewelry with store front
  8. Fair credit score merchant with non-face to face sales
  9. Network Marketing individual distributor
  10. Internet services/hosting
  11. Furniture stores
  12. Computer stores
  13. Door to Door Sales
  14. Sales through conducting parties
  15. Nutraceuticals sales over the Internet)
  16. Internet sales of gold and jewelry
  17. Internet Art Sales
  18. Internet sales of collector coins or stamps
  19. Weight loss or quit smoking systems
  20. Concierge companies

Higher to extremely risky merchants might include:

  1. Gambling/gaming
  2. Tobacco Sales
  3. Adult material
  4. Time share sales
  5. Stock trading
  6. Annual subscriptions magazines and membership fees
  7. Internet Computer sales
  8. Internet sales of large ticket electronics
  9. Internet booking of travel/cruise tickets
  10. Network Marketing Companies
  11. Dating Internet Service
  12. Out-bound Telemarketing
  13. Future delivery over 90 days
  14. International sales
  15. Software downloads
  16. Seminars
  17. Internet sales of high end Jewelry
  18. Poor credit merchant
  19. Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists
  20. Credit repair, and
  21. Collection Agency

High Risk: What to Expect

Merchants in the higher to extremely high risk profile category should expect to get declined by most companies unless those companies advertise that they approve your particular business type.

When the business type is approved in the higher risk categories, merchants might be asked to withhold a percentage of their processing in a non-interest bearing reserve account to be used against possible charge backs. This helps the processor soften the risk and will often result in the merchant receiving higher volume allowances for their merchant account.

High volume allowances for your high-risk account is a big benefit since it means you will not be capped on the amount of bank card business you can accept. It predicts where the money will go instead of the unpredictable occurrence of the bank suddenly grabbing an arbitrary amount of funds to ease the bank's risky position.

Many High-risk merchants should also expect to pay 1% - 3% higher merchant account fees until they establish a history of transactions. After 6 months, a great deal can be understood from the transaction history and if the merchant's profile is clean (low charge back levels). With a solid history and clean profile, a merchant may negotiate a lower rate on their high risk merchant account. For example, the merchant may negotiate an end of daily reserve requirements or a partial release of money already held against possible charge backs. This is the classic reward for a high-risk merchant who has successfully worked at keeping the risky nature of their business in check.