Business Cash Advance & Business Financing Alternatives 

High-Risk Credit Card Processing

Do you like the very profitable returns of owning a good business that is considered “High-Risk” by the credit card processing companies? However, due to the fact that you own such a business, you may have a hard time securing quality processing at a fair price. US Business Finance Corp has a division that will […]

Cash Advances – Using Debt To Your Advantage

New businesses usually incur debt to cover their start-up cash outlays. Once personal savings are tapped, many business owners are not aware of the company cash advance programs that alternative financing lenders offer. Usually the business owners start exploring the available programs for operating capital that banks, credit unions and traditional lending institutions offer. Many […]

Small Business Funding – An Array of Business Financing Options

As a business owner you know that when raising operating capital, several small business funding possibilities exist. Sage business advice says to learn about all the avenues before settling on one. Human nature tends to lead business owners down the comfortable and known path, which may not be the best business option. It pays to […]

Strike While The Iron Is Hot With A Company Cash Advance

A company cash advance may help your business overcome a common small business obstacle. Your company’s spending strategy normally accounts for the normal budget expenses and plans for what income category will cover the expenses. But often, the long-term profitability of a company may come from its ability to take advantage of a business opportunity […]

Improving Your Credit Opportunities With A Cash Advance

Taking advantage of a business cash advance can be a crucial part of your company’s financial strategy. Since low interest business loans or vendor credit lines look for a track record of on time payments, new business owners are at a disadvantage pursuing those routes to ease the pressure on cash flow. A business cash […]

Solving the Investing to Grow Conundrum With Cash Advances

Business owners become experts at assessing their company’s cash needs and business opportunities. Can business cash advances help your business improve its cash flow and take advantage of business opportunities? Yes! Often the opportunity for growth presents the cash flow conundrum – with new equipment or different inventory sales can increase bringing more money and […]