SBA Improving Small Business's Ability to Land Federal Contracts

Posted in: Federal Government, SBA News, Business Cash Advance
Small business help with alternative financing
Recently the SBA has increased its efforts to help small business owners enter the $400 billion federal contracts marketplace. Government contracts are one way for small businesses to raise operating capital and gain a large steady customer. The SBA employed their May 2008 web chat to have the associate administrator for government contracting and business development, Fay Ott, discuss the SBA's educational programs and field questions from interested business owners.

Tax Relief Historically Benefits Small Businesses the Most

Posted in: Federal Government, SBA News, Business Cash Advance
SBA small business tax news
The SBA has recently applauded the lasting effects of the 2003 Tax Relief Act passed five years ago. Seventy-five percent of the population that benefited the most from the top bracket tax reduction since the Act was passed were small business owners. Business owners who have found paying taxes and meeting their corporate expenses a challenge due to timing often turn to US Business Finance Corp for business cash advances. Our cash advances can be used for any business purpose and are quickly accessible - within 7 to 10 days of our fast approval process.

Small Business Funding - An Array of Business Financing Options

Posted in: SBA News, Banking News
Select your company's financing option
Selecting your company's financing solutions
As a business owner you know that when raising operating capital, several small business funding possibilities exist. Sage business advice says to learn about all the avenues before settling on one. Human nature tends to lead business owners down the comfortable and known path, which may not be the best business option. It pays to be open to new business financing options.

How to Secure Startup Business Funding for Your New Company

Posted in: Business Cash Advance, SBA News
Prepare your company for small business financing
Small companies need and use the most capital during their initial launch, just like a jet engine uses most of its fuel getting a plane airborne. The government recognizes how much our nation depends on small businesses and in response to this every growing need, created the Small Business Administration (SBA) to help entrepreneurs. The SBA loan program does not actually fund the startup business, but will guarantee most of your loan from an approved financial lending institution.

Are You Ready For An SBA Loan?

Posted in: SBA News, Federal Government
SBA Loan Application
US Business Finance Corp helps small business owners get working capital for their enterprises. Often, new business owners hear of Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, and wonder if it is a good business financing option. An SBA loan is one that is largely backed by the government and funded by one of your local financial lending institutions. The following points help you assess your readiness for an SBA loan.